Your MANE is Beautiful...Lets Grow!

Your MANE is Beautiful, Let's Grow!

Founded in May 2020 Nàtchiek Mane Essentials created its Growth Stimulator in 2013 for personal use/purposes. In the humble beginnings of going natural the founder, Kash used the stimulator as a hot oil treatment. She received multiple and constant compliments on the health and growth of her hair. The constant question was “what is your regimen and what products do you use?” For years, she downplayed her homemade success…. until 2018.
In 2018 Kash was in a serious car accident that caused her to have two surgical procedures the following year in 2019. This moment in time allowed for reflection. Reflecting on how many times people encouraged her by wanting to buy her product because they saw something early on. During the Summer of 2019, after the first surgery, a beloved family member professed “You should be a hair model...or do something with hair." And that's when it all clicked. The brand Nàtchiek Mane Essentials was born shortly after that conversation and the creative session had began.   
Nàtchiek itself is a mix of her names’ spelling; which honors a dear angel she is named after, her grandmother and a brand extension of Nàtchiek Fashion Line which was established in 2004. 
Ever since She can remember, wash day was a moment where her family affectionately and playfully referenced The Wiz by calling her the “mean old lion” as her hair looked like a Lion's mane blown out. As this memory has followed her through life, Kash felt it was only fitting to pay homage to her beginnings.
Hair is your crown and taking care of it is essential. It is how we express ourselves, so it is important to take care of our crown and glory. No matter the style you're rockin'!

I'm glad God rebirthed and confirmed this idea/vision through the right channels.